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国家外经贸批准的一级货代企业,无船承运人NV-10583。我们承接以厦门港为主的各种进口、出口货物的海运、空运、陆运的国际运输代理业务,包括承接各种集装箱、拼箱散杂货物的订舱、配载、仓储、报关、报检、商检、保险等业务。公司致力于提供包括全面的海运、空运、货运代理、拖车、报关、仓租及一体化服务。公司努力向客户提供全方位、全天候的物流服务,并严格按照客户的要求有效地利用物流设施和网络资源,在专业团队的管理下实行标准化运作。从客户的需求出发,提供差异化的,高效率的和高性价比的物流服务。与客户、雇员、供应商及合作伙伴建立良好的、互信的、共赢的合作关系,并致力于成为行业中领先的企业。TIJ services
TIJ is committed to provide the best service at the most competitive rates due to an extensive global network and long-tern experience. We offer customized services and different transportation modes based on your specific requests and budget. We have additional expertise in preparing and processing customs and other documentation and performing activities concerning to international and local transportation of goods.VMS®, Century’s Web based SCM platform, sets the benchmark as the most customizable, intuitive and dynamic product in the industry today. VMS® functions as both Century’s internal operating system and the visibility tool used by our customers and their vendors.

A compelling advantage of VMS® is that it’s a turn-key system, configurable for individual users based on their roles and responsibilities within the supply chain network. Users have access to only the information relevant to their role in the supply chain, streamlining workflow and enabling them to focus on the events that need their attention.

The system provides secure, real-time visibility and a full suite of end-to-end, exception-based PO management modules that monitor all stages of the PO lifecycle: pre-production, booking, shipment/in-transit and inbound receiving. Recent VMS® enhancements, designed to meet the needs of our complex retail accounts, include:

Production planning
PO distribution
Product testing/approval interfaces
C-TPAT vendor management
Carrier, broker, trucker, DC, and vendor score carding capabilities
Integrated business analytics
Inbound routing and prioritization
Freight bill auditing
Domestic freight management
Google maps
For further information, please contact your local office.公司设立于上海,目前在中国两岸三地上海,宁波,天津,青岛,厦门,深圳,香港,台北,东南亚越南,南美智利,秘鲁,玻利维亚,美国洛杉矶分别设有分公司及迈阿密设有办事处,至今(2018年)公司约有400余人。平帆,顾名思义,公司成立初始的理想是不求做到多大,只求平稳安定,是一小群志同道合的朋友,为了理想而共同奋斗,凭借七分努力三分运气,伴随中国大陆经济的强劲发展,虽然,公司历史并不长,我们公司的发展却远远超过当初公司设立的预期理想,不是老王卖瓜,自卖自夸,确实不是很容易。

我们的目标 :人生亦或是一家公司,最重要的是要有目标(当然目标不能是天上的星星),然后制定方法,积极往目标的方向迈进。我们的目标不是永久一次,而是阶段分词的。永久的目标太虚,太空,太大,可以想象,但不实际,阶段的目标,可依内在的条件配合外部的环境来订定,则较为踏实。举个例子,就是饭吃的饱后,有衣服穿,接着有车子开,有房住,最好,没事还可以出国旅游一下!


